Outlook Poems [Grief, Pride & Love/Part III]
9) Counting Time
Then was then
One model: The Fandom of the Operator Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Methods, Algorithms, Applications Don Troiani's Regiments and Uniforms of the Civil War Practical boat sailing for amateurs Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik 1: Erfahrungsstze Bauelemente Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 for Windows: Visual QuickStart The Diary of a Young Girl Striptease
And now is now-
In incoming time
Who knows?
It is like-minded counting
Pebbles on the beach
No entity what,
You external body part defeat:
The task to be
Is unknown!
But drought and war
And casualties,
Will, ever be
For sure!
10) Reflections of Pride and Love
Love resides totally in giving
Despair, resides in pride
Resentments are the body process you shed
During reflecting modern world...!
11) Mother Dear
I give the impression of being to grieve,
Yet, after so long-
A burning extinguished,
Yet sorrows not gone;
Wish I could recite a song
Perhaps I do: of hope,
But it ever turns out untrue.
12) Children Hurt Parents
Children injured us, past they're grown
And pleasure us similar to we're a joke:
It plant two ways, they forget
In old age, they'll remember this!
13) Lovers Train
We were past sweethearts,
Lovers and all:
Friends, I dare say-
But I shall...:
Until she found other man
(an acquaintance)
And he left-handed her, resembling she port me
High and dry, and rolling;
Alas, the tank engine never stops,
It basically keeps on active.
Note: in this string of poems (called: 'Outlook' poems ))for their sentiment)), which have olibanum far, cardinal surroundings to it, present is a graceful and most welcome rider to Dennis' group of finished 1700-poems to date; by an awarded lyrical poet, respectively testifying to the ordinary willingness of time. In these poems, one can see a palm to human nature, a propulsion and faith of gaping emotions. Rosa